Frequently asked questions

Where to find the control panel

The Plesk control panel can be found here: or here: depending on your hosting package.
THe easiest way might be to go into the customer panel and click through from there:

Use an Email alias (Tip)

Lately there have been a series of security breaches all over the world. Millions of email addresses and passwords have been compromised. To keep yourself safe, you could start with using email aliases. Here is how it works:

You have one main email address you want to keep for the rest of your life, give it a strong password of at least 8 characters and change it now and then (yes no fun)

Then you never use this email adres anywhere else on a website. Keep it for your own personal email only.

In the hosting control panel you can create email aliases. Unlimited. Use them!
They act as copy of your original email address and email to that address will come in your own email box.

Why? How?
When a site like, asks you to create a login, you add the alias adobe@mydomainname in your control panel and use that address for Adobe login.
Next time they get hacked, you will not loose your own email address and you can easily see if they sell your data if another company is using that email address.

Getting a lot of spam suddenly? check the email address used and delete the alias, create a new one and inform the site they have been compromised. A good place to check if your email address already has been compromised:

SPAM settings

Setting your SPAM filtering is done in the Plesk control panel

Navigate to your domain / website settings, find the MAIL icon. There is one for MAIL en one for EMAIL but the end up in the same place.

Find the email address you want to control and click on it.

In the tabs on the topside you will find the SPAM FILTER settings. Good to open the ADVANCED link because the most important setting is there: Spam filter sensitivity 

Default is 7 but the lower the number to more SPAM will be stopped. IF you want to go strong on the it is a good idea not to delete the mails but move them to the junk folder so you can monitor the false positives.

Add senders to the whitelist as needed.

More info also in the help file in the control panel:

General info about Email

Your email program will offer you different options when you setup your account:

POP is the most simple way. It just pulls the messages from the server and puts them on your computer. Most programs will allow you to “keep message for x days on server” in the advanced settings.
This might be useful if you work on more than one computer or use webmail too.

IMAP is a bit more sophisticated. It keeps the messages on the server and download a copy to your computer too.
Because it stores all messages, including the sent ones, on the server, it will take a lot more diskspace.
THe advantage is that if you use more than one computer, every message will be also on every computer. THis counts also for SENT items and folders you make.

EXCHANGE: the best email option. THe email works more or less like IMAP, storing everything on the server but it also connects Contacts and Calender and syncs this accross programs/computers/phones.

SMTP: is the name for the outgoing server protocol.

Email settings (Linux / Plesk hosting)

IN and OUT going mail server: or depending on your hosting setup.

Username is your email address
Password see your control panel if you need to create a new one

POP ports: 110 (standard) and 995 (SSL)
IMAP ports: 143 (standard) and 993 (SSL)

Outgoing mail server always need to have set “authentication on” this might be hidden in some “extra” or “advanced” tabs.

SMTP / outgoing server ports: 25 (standaard) en 587 (SSL)

When using TLS/SSL connections, everything will be encrypted.  Safer but sometimes a bit slower and some mail programs like Thunderbird, not always work good with the SSL settings.

Please try SSL first and if you run into issues, try without.

Note 1: this mail server wil bann your IP for a few hours when it detects to many failed attemps to login. Make sure you are using the tight username and password.

Note 2: Apple mail users be aware that there is a settings called ‘Automatically detect and maintain account settings’ in the Advanced Tab. Please switch this off. It can give a lot of problems.